A bursitis is the inflammation of the bursa, or the small sac found inside some joints of the human body that contains a small amount of fluid, functioning as a kind of cushion for the structures that make up the joint: muscles, tendons, and bones. Thanks to this...
Being one of the most frequent conditions pertaining to the musculoskeletal system, back pain easily can become a chronic pain, which can affect the person’s quality of life. For this same reason, it is important to know the cause and type of back pain suffered...
Undoubtedly, sciatica, or the pain produced by the involvement of the sciatic nerve, is one of the most disabling. It is usually described as a moderate to severe pain in the upper buttock and the right or left lower limb, accompanied by numbness, tingling, burning...
Our nervous system uses nerves and ganglions that are in the periphery of our body to receive and send relevant information through these pathways. When these are affected we could be in front of a medical condition, which for many is a complication of other preceding...
One of the most frequent conditions in the human being, as far as the musculoskeletal system is concerned, is back pain. It is one of those things that we will all suffer from at least once in our lives. From minor discomfort to severe and constant pain, back pain is...