Remus was born on December 7th, 2023, and arrived home to Dr. Garcia’s house on February 3rd, 2024. He is a Golden-Doodle, born from full-size Golden-Doodle parents, Buckley Reagan and Gypsy-Rose Reagan. He was the largest puppy from a litter of ten.
His name derives from Professor Remus Lupin of the Harry Potter book series, a werewolf. Pronounced “Reeeeeemus,” he has a sister named Tonks, who was the runt of the same litter. Tonks, also owned by Dr. Garcia, visits the office occasionally. Her name comes from the same book series; she was Professor Lupin’s wife and a shape-shifter who could turn into a dog.
Remus is actively being trained to take over the duties as Space City Pain Therapy Dog from the capable paws of Collin, our previous Therapy Dog, who left the practice when his guardian, Kaila, departed last year. Remus was chosen for this important role due to his very calm and relaxed demeanor, friendliness, and excellent social skills. He is also hypoallergenic.
Remus will be “on duty” most Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and sometimes Fridays.