Migraines can be a debilitating condition that completely hinders your daily routine. While it is estimated that around 39 million Americans suffer from migraines, the number is potentially higher, as many go undiagnosed. If you are wondering whether or not it is time to visit a migraine doctor in Webster, Texas, we have compiled a list of warning signs you should keep an eye out for.
Warning Signs That You Should Visit a Migraine Doctor in Webster, Texas
Frequent or Long Attacks
Short, independent, and rare migraine episodes can be considered normal and could be properly managed with the right over-the-counter medications and rest. However, if you’re experiencing migraine attacks more than 4 times a month, they last over 72 hours, or you can’t alleviate your symptoms with conservative measures, you should visit a specialist.
Stronger Symptoms
Common migraine symptoms include, besides a strong headache, neck stiffness, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, smell, and/or sound, blurred vision, fatigue, and more. If these signs seem to get more severe and resistant to medication between attacks, or the pain is so intense it keeps you from performing your daily activities, a migraine doctor could help you navigate other possibilities.
Unusual Symptoms
You should definitely seek prompt care if during your migraine attacks you experience extreme fatigue, slurred speech, trouble remembering information, or loss of consciousness. These could indicate the existence of other conditions or neurological problems that manifest as headaches.
Impact on Your Quality of Life
Finally, a migraine doctor can support you by providing an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment so you can restore your activities and rhythm. Frequent, severe migraines can deeply affect your productivity, ability to concentrate or engage in social interactions, and rest. Through the combination of prescription medicines, lifestyle improvements, and alternative therapies, you can achieve the relief you have been looking for.
Why See a Migraine Specialist?
One of the most common issues regarding migraines is that they go undiagnosed, and therefore, patients can’t receive proper treatment. A migraine specialist will give you not only an accurate diagnosis, but will also help you identify your particular triggers and how you can avoid or manage them.
They can also prescribe stronger medications to help you navigate symptoms as well as explore tailored treatment options and preventive care to reduce the frequency and intensity of your migraine attacks.
Our Approach at Space City Pain
We know how frustrating living with chronic migraines can be. If you seek professional care, you will learn about all the available possibilities to enjoy a happier life. We will make sure to take the best care of you so you can kiss your worries goodbye and re-find comfort in your own body!
Our board certified healthcare providers have made Space City Pain a pioneer in pain management in the community since 2004. Our friendly, bilingual, and highly specialized staff excels at providing pain relief to patients. If you are looking to get back to your old self and a pain-free life, book an appointment by calling 281-338-4443 or send us a message online today.
We don’t manage pain, we treat it.