Back pain, both acute and chronic, is a common medical condition with numerous causing factors that can become seriously debilitating, affecting day-to-day life for even the strongest of individuals.
While this condition has been treated with diverse therapeutic options for years, existing many healthcare providers that prefer invasive treatments like surgery, nowadays, a new line of thought has emerged. This is the case of the multiple conservative and efficacious therapeutic methods that make living with such a seriously debilitating medical condition a choice and not an option.
Evidence has shown that if spinal structures are kept intact and the pain is managed through a multidisciplinary therapeutic plan, avoiding surgery, patients improve more, especially if the focus is to improve functionality.
Either because back pain is produced by poor posture, traumas, herniated discs, misaligned spine, scoliosis, rheumatoid arthritis, disc degeneration, among other reasons, it can be treated through the application of physical therapy and chiropractic, meeting a series of therapeutic objectives, which include:
- Reduction of acute or chronic pain symptoms.
- Management and reduction of inflammatory processes.
- Perform precise and specific adjustments in the spine.
- Increase the patient’s range of motion.
- Strengthening of back muscle groups.
- Performance of stretching exercises.
- Postural and ergonomic education.
- Improvement of the patient’s daily life.
If left untreated, back pain can evolve into more serious conditions, which may end with invasive procedures and all of its uncomfortable side effects. This is why corresponding personalized therapeutic interventions, such as heat or ice therapy, deep tissue massage, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, among others, have to be performed at the earliest stages possible and by professionals to achieve the best outcomes.
By scheduling an appointment over at Space City Pain Specialists, we can make you return to your daily activities in the shortest possible time thanks to the help of experts such as Dr. Jeffery Cannella and the application of preventative and regenerative care techniques, providing you all the tools that your body needs to heal and be capable of face everything in its way.
For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment at and you will receive the proper attention your case requires. Our team of experts will be available during working hours to answer all your inquiries and support you in your path to wellness.