Everyone on the face of the Earth is familiar with headaches. From time to time, we experience them due to stress, sickness, exhaustion, or many other reasons. Often, we decide to just take some painkillers and go back to our daily activities. However, when a headache...
Arthritis is a painful and debilitating condition that impacts the daily life of sufferers. From the most mundane actions such as typing on the computer to more demanding tasks like lifting weight, arthritis can become a huge impairment. And symptoms only worsen as...
With over 50 million people suffering from arthritis in the US, it is likely you are one of them. If you are having trouble with your joints, you may be suffering from arthritis. And if you are reading this article, you are probably wondering what you can do about...
❓ Did you know? There are more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions. By definition, arthritis means “inflammation of a joint,” and it comes from the amalgamation of the Greek term arthron (“a joint”) and the suffix -itis (“inflammation”). Although people...
If you like to crack your knuckles, there is a good chance people around you are annoyed by this habit. They might have even told you that it is bad for your fingers and could cause arthritis. But is it true? Can cracking your knuckles really cause arthritis? What Is...